Final Feature before completion

With the Research Opportunity Program ending, here is one last update! From last week's feedback, it seemed as though some people were confused about the barrier mechanic and wanted a tutorial level. So, I have created one to better illustrate the feature.

As always, the level is designed in a way that you can't get soft-locked. The numbers were chosen very precisely to always factor no matter which tiles you factor, and in a way that you will have leftover tiles, to illustrate that from now on, the goal isn't to delete all tiles, but delete all barriers.

There are a few features I wanted to add, namely allowing the players to better see the actual factoring process by slowing down the tiles and adding an additional animation for factoring, but at this stage in the project, I didn't want to add such a large feature because I didn't want to accidentally break the project, and who knows how many bugs I'll introduce to the game.

Files Play in browser
Aug 15, 2022

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